Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a progressive disorder that causes tumors to grow on any nerve cell inside or outside of the body. There is no cure nor is there a treatment. Blindness, brain tumors, deafness, learning disabilities, facial disfigurement, cancer, bone deformity and chronic pain are all complications that NF can cause.
What walk you ask? Every May is NF Awareness month. The Children's Tumor Foundation will hold a walk in Cincinnati on May 21st 2011. My husband, myself and some friends will be walking for Lauren. To donate/register or find out more information about Lauren CLICK HERE.
In addition to the wonderful walk. I make and sell flower barrettes...."fleur-ettes". They are knit flowers sewn to french barrettes. Check out PaintedLadyCollective for other knitty up-dates and more fleur-ettes!
I wanted to find a way to help Lauren. So I made a NF fleur-ette. For each NF "fleur-ette" I am asking a donation of $10 or more. These fleur-ettes are easy care and can be washed on a hand wash cycle and dried flat. Fleur-ettes aren't just for young girls but ladies too! As my friend demonstrates below....
Lauren would appreciate the love and support as she faces this truly unfortunate disease. Let's all do our part and make everyone we can aware of NF.
If you'd like a NF fleur-ette please message me... (The Painted Lady/Sarah) at or