.....has gone to the DOGS!
Weird Humor if you will.....Our little rambunctious ball of fur, Mogwai, tickled her whiskers with her 5 minutes of fame on the Sh*t My Pets Ruined Blog. H couldn't have found this funnier as he IS an eight year old boy. After all his Nintendo DSi wallpaper photo was her pooping for the longest time. Oh boys will be boys. Click the log name above to witness the famous posting.
For the Second half of this post. A little tribute to a fond critter we have lost. He was with us for two years and we had wished for much longer. Our old hairless rat Sir Elwyn Von Whiskercrinkle Nice Rat passed on the 17th of September and now rests under H's tree house.
He suffered from Mycoplasma a very common respiratory infection. This combined with advanced age took its toll on his strength to heal.
FYI to all reptile and rodent pet owners....Mycoplasma is very contagious. Speak with your vet immediately if your critter is sneezing, has nasal discharge, labored breathing, wheezing. If their is what can appear as a "bloody" discharge coming from the eye this is porphyrin. When the respiratory tract is experiencing irritation, an excess of porphyrin is produced from a gland behind the eye.
Rest easy Sir Elwyn you were good to us all.